Prominent Christian Counselor, Life-Business-Mind- Spiritual coach, NLP CBT EQ certified. Mentor known for her uniqueness, and creativity

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About STJulien
Sherly T Julien is a prominent Licensed Clinical Christian Therapist, Mentor, and Life-Business-Mindset-Spiritual-Mental Health Coach. Known for her uniqueness and creativity, she coaches as God leads. Coupled with her passion for Interior Architecture Design, Sherly serves the women she coaches and mentors through a unique holistic unparalleled approach.
Sherly is a Psychologist who provides Coaching, Inner Healing, and Spiritual Mentorship, directing women to where God wants them to go. After years of hands-on success experiences guiding women to discover their purpose and point them to their worth, today Sherly is an on-demand Prophetic One-on-One Coach and Mentor. She is passionate about helping women find their voice and walk in their healing holistically. Sherly stands among the great advocates in her field and has made significant contributions toward improving the lives of women and families through coaching and mentoring, specializing in Inner Healing, Spiritual Coaching, and Strategic Implementation. Sherly was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She is a married mother of two